Finding Your Creative Drive—and Tribe—During Times of Transition — Caryl Fine Art


Diving into painting and growing my art business has been an extraordinary and empowering experience. Not only do I get to fill my days pursuing my passion, but I’ve met an incredible community of like-minded artists! There are so many of us who, like me, are following their true passions after going through a major life transition.

So many people pick up a paintbrush when the kids leave for school or retirement looms! And we can connect with each other, support each other, and learn from each other. How? We can connect via online or in-person art classes, social media, local art groups, and more. These friendships make us feel less alone as we move into these new roles and new identities! 

You’re Not Facing Life Transitions Alone

Please know that you don’t have to face these unnerving transitional periods alone, and that incredible creative discoveries can emerge from these times! You can find yourself diving into a new interest or renew an old passion. Dive into the arts and find yourself surrounded by new creative friends, joyful experiences, and endless inspiration. And always remember, I’m here for you on this journey!

Here’s One On-Ramp to the Connected Creative Life

If you’re looking for a concrete way to put this idea into action, consider signing up for the upcoming session of my signature course, Basic to Brilliant—Transforming Your Artistic Artistry. This six-week course begins on October 10th, and it will revolutionize your abstract acrylic painting skills (even if you’re thinking, “I don’t even HAVE any painting skills!”).

Here’s what past participants have said about Basic to Brilliant:

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Julie Karpodini: Painting Instinct - Jackson's Art Blog

Julie Karpodini won the Animal Award in the Jackson’s Painting Prize this year with her work Elvira’s Dogs. In this interview, Julie discusses her well developed processes, sketchbook practice, and communication with her paintings. Above image: Julie working in her studio in rural Spain.   Lisa: What is your process […]
Julie Karpodini: Painting Instinct – Jackson’s Art Blog

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