BSA Film Friday: 12.02.22 | Brooklyn Street Art


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Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.

Now screening:
1. Edward Hopper’s New York. Via Whitney Museum of American Art
2. The enveloping work of Barbara Kruger: MoMA
3. Man Who Turned Trash Into Family Treasures / The Garbage Man

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“The city of New York was Edward Hopper’s home for nearly six decades (1908–67). For Hopper, New York was a city that existed in the mind as well as on the map, a place that took shape through lived experience, memory, and the collective imagination. It was, he reflected late in life, ‘the American city that I know best and like most.’ “

Edward Hopper’s New York. Via Whitney Museum of American Art

The enveloping work of Barbara Kruger: MoMA

“Margarita Lizcano Hernandez, curatorial assistant in the Department of Drawings and Prints, takes a close look at Barbara Kruger’s ‘Thinking of -You-. I Mean -Me-. I Mean You.’ and describes the sometimes overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by the colossal installation.”

A Man Who Turned Trash Into Family Treasures / The Garbage Man / A film by Laura Gonçalves.

At a long table laden with traditional dishes, a family shares fond memories of an uncle, who fled Portugal’s dictatorship and became a garbage collector in Paris, in this film by Laura Gonçalves.

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