Cute Panda Tattoos You Must Have


Pandas were once neglected and their numbers were declining. Pandas have been portrayed as the most adorable living creature because of their commercial and cinematic use in animated movies, shows, and live streaming. Kung fu Panda is one of the most beloved animated movie franchises.

Panda Tattoo on Finger

Aliens recommend against finger tattoos. Not only are finger tattoos delicate, but the skin around them is thin and prone to rupturing. Tattoos look great when the ink is held in place and it is not used often. The most frequently used part of our bodies is our hands. Therefore, every time you touch water, oil, or food, the tattoo will smudge and become dull.

Panda Tattoo on the Hand

If you are a fan of the Panda Tattoo, you can have one on your hand. It’s a great casual icebreaker for meeting new people.

It is simple and elegant, so it’s hard to dislike the design. A panda relaxing on a bamboo stem or taking a rest. This tattoo could be interpreted as a profound message: Take it slow. Technology and the ease of access to virtually everything via the internet make our lives as fast-paced as possible.

Kung fu Panda tattoo

Our show-stopper is Po the panda, a dragon warrior from the movie franchise. Let’s start with the art. This tattoo’s detail is mind-blowing. The dragon warrior symbol is at the bottom. The Yin/Yang sign can be found at the base of the dragon’s claws. To get such a portrait of skin accurately takes many years to master.

This post was written by J Michael Taylor. J Michael Taylor is an artist and owner of Black Amethyst Tattoo Gallery. Looking for Tattoo shops in St Petersburg Florida? Black Amethyst has you covered! They provide an art-first approach to custom tattooing in a gallery setting. 

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